Internasjonal politikk

Oslo bør slutte seg til "Mayors for Peace"

Oslo bør slutte seg til Sammen med Kaveh Ataei har jeg sendt fram følgende forslag som nå skal behandles av Oslo bystyre:

"Som en del av strategien for Oslo som fredsby slutter Oslo kommune seg til det internasjonale initiativet "Mayors for Peace""

Dette er etter min oppfatning en naturlig videreføring av at bystyret i sin tid støttet mitt initiativ, og vedtok, om at det i kommunens internasjonale strategi heter at "Oslo kommune skal utnytte vertsbyrollen Nobels Fredspris har gitt Oslo til å bli en aktiv aktør som kan etablere og markedsføre Oslo som en internasjonal fredsby."

5490 kommuner og byer fra 155 land og regioner har allerede sluttet seg til, hvorav 110 hovedsteder. I Norge har så langt hele 90 kommuner sluttet seg til, og den nasjonale organisasjonen ledes av Frogns Høyre-ordfører Thore Vestby.

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Oppfølging av Oslos internasjonale strategi vedrørende Oslo som fredsby

I Oslo kommunes internasjonale strategi, vedtatt av bystyret, heter det blant annet:

"Oslo kommune skal utnytte vertsbyrollen Nobels Fredspris har gitt Oslo til å bli en aktiv aktør som kan etablere og markedsføre Oslo som en internasjonal fredsby."

En naturlig oppfølging av dette bør være at Oslo slutter seg det internasjonale initiativet "Mayors for Peace".

5490 kommuner og byer fra 155 land og regioner har allerede sluttet seg til, hvorav 110 hovedsteder. I Norge har så langt hele 90 kommuner sluttet seg til.

I initiativets plattform heter det blant annet:

"Covenant of the Mayors for Peace

In August, 1945, the first nuclear weapons ever used in human history caused an indescribable catastrophe for the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Even now a number of A-bomb survivors are still suffering physically, psychologically, and socially from various after-effects. Nevertheless, nuclear weapons have not been abolished; they continue to threaten human existence. Our goal is to maintain environments that enable citizens to lead safe, cultural lives, and to contribute to the attainment of lasting world peace. To this end, we pledge to make every effort to create an inter-city solidarity transcending national boundaries and ideological differences in order to achieve the total abolition of nuclear weapons and avert the recurrence of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki tragedies.

We agree to the intent of the "Program to Promote Solidarity of Cities towards the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons" proposed by Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Furthermore, we hope that the "World Conference of Mayors for Peace through Inter-city Solidarity," which held its first session in August of 1985, shall become a permanent organization. Accordingly, we do hereby establish an organization to be known as the "Mayors for Peace".




The Purposes of the "Mayors for Peace" are to contribute to the attainment of lasting world peace by arousing concern among citizens of the world for the total abolition of nuclear weapons through close solidarity among all cities which agree to the "Program to Promote Solidarity of Cities towards the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons" as well as by striving to solve vital problems for the human race such as starvation and poverty, the plight of refugees, human rights abuses, and environmental degradation. (Cities which agree to the "Program to Promote Solidarity of Cities towards the Total Abolition of Nuclear Weapons" are hereinafter cited as solidarity cities.)



The Organization and solidarity cities, in pursuit of the Purposes stated in Article 1, shall act in accordance with the following Principles;

(a) The Organization shall be based on friendship, goodwill, and respect for the actual conditions of Solidarity Cities.

(b) The Organization shall devote itself to the total abolition of nuclear weapons and the attainment of lasting world peace, and to the solution of such problems as starvation, poverty, the plight of refugees, human rights abuses, and environmental degradation in cooperation with the United
Nations, a major peace-keeping organization in the world.

(c) Solidarity Cities shall work for the development of friendly relationships and bonds of solidarity among cities on the basis of mutual understanding and shall act in good faith for the attainment of the Purposes in accordance with the present Covenant.

(d) Solidarity Cities shall seek to increase global awareness of the "Spirit of Hiroshima and Nagasaki" by introducing and expanding the idea of Inter-City Solidarity.

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Det fremmes slikt forslag til vedtak:

Som en del av strategien for Oslo som fredsby slutter Oslo kommune seg til det internasjonale initiativet "Mayors for Peace"

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